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Nat & Jane

The 8th of April at Bantock House it was a glorious day & it was so wonderful to see Jane so happy with her bull & I was… Oh, sorry Nat… You & Jane finally got married… Yes, that was it (to be fair, Jane does love that bull, I mean look at how happy she is!)

Anyway… back to the day. It was a small & beautiful day. They said I Do in front of their closest family & friends & I have got to say… it was just perfect. So much love & happiness for this truly amazing couple.

So on that note, here are a few of my absolutely favourite photos.



The guests understood the assignment... AMAZING confetti photo!

Told ya... Jane loves the Bull!

After Bantock house, everyone headed to The Mount Hotel for afternoon tea, which Nat & Jane very kindly invited me to. I have got to say, it was very yummy & I am so glad I went along. The speeches were amazing, so much love, a few tears were shed & a lot of laughter. I am so happy I was there to capture all those beautiful moments for Nat & Jane, I really feel like I have made some friends for life with this pair… 

Jane just wanted to eat her cheese!

Oh my days, Jane's game in her speech was truly hilarious. I wish you guys could of heard it!

... and Dan, do not worry, I have not forgotten you (Martin, you still have my card, right?!) 

2 responses

  1. These are wonderful pictures and really capture the spirit of the day. We didn’t have a photographer at our wedding because I was too nervous. If we were getting married now, we’d have you!

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